Refuge for the Weary Empath
Arriving 2025
Everyone is born feeling connected to—and absorbing—the energies of others. It is typically our childhood wounding that makes us continue this behavior or shuts it down. I submit that everyone has absorbed at least something—if not many things—empathically. It's as if we’re walking around saying, "I'll take your grief, thank you very much," and then digesting it. No wonder we often have digestive problems.
Some are aware of this, some are waking up to the idea, and others are sleepwalking through what they may feel is a nightmare.
Empaths, sensitives, and intuitives often have difficulty determining where we end, and another person begins. We're more susceptible to what others are feeling. We're walking sponges for the energies of the collective. This enmeshment of energies creates internal confusion, chaos, and even physical symptoms. Somewhat like living in the middle of a Venn diagram, we're constantly bombarded with what's not ours.
To make matters more difficult, our conscious mind typically doesn't wonder if this enmeshment is why we're not feeling well. It's more common that we'll think it's our own blockages, and therefore seek treatment in line with that possibility, which, similar to using a hammer when you really need a screwdriver, just can't work well.
To some of you, this makes perfect sense. To others still questioning, I'm only sharing what I've seen and can prove through experiential exercises. I've helped thousands of people who have absorbed energy from others get back to a life of vibrancy. They’ve been able to release the symptoms of what is called anxiety, or depression, and so much more, and many of these people have gotten off medications as a result of our work together.
NOTE: I am not a doctor and always recommend my clients speak with their doctor(s) before adjusting medications. Only you and your doctor combined should discuss and reduce or eliminate medications.
Even if you don’t identify as an empath, this book can help expand your awareness and get a better understanding of why things are the way they are, and what we can do to heal ourselves.
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