Healing Spiral

Calendar Archive

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Jan 2024Feb 2024: Healing the Original Wound (OW): Livestream Course for Empaths and Sensitives

Oct 2022Mar 2023: The Shift Network’s 14-Week Graduate Program, The Healed Empath

Aug 2022Sep 2022: The Shift Network’s 7-Week Graduate Program, The Skilled Empath

Sep 2021Oct 2021: Healing Grief for Empaths and Sensitives

April 2020 to Present Day: Livestreamed Events for Empaths and Sensitives

Topics discussed are Healthy Protection for Empaths & Sensitives, If You’re Not Healing as Quickly as You’d Like to Be, Healing Grief, Meeting Shadow, Healing Anxiousness, Life’s Mission, Healing Absorbed Energy, Healing Abandonment, Forgiveness, Healing Fear and others. Click here for more info.

Dec 2020: The Ascending Man

What is the difference between living in 3D duality and living in 5D unity consciousness? Join us for The Ascending Man, What is a 5D man? Webinar! A discussion on the evolution of the divine masculine with host Liz Peterson of Raise the Vibe with Liz, and panelists, Dave Markowitz, Bryan Grijalva, Jeff Leisawitz, and Jamie Wolf!

Friday, September 4, 2020: Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons

Psychic Spectrum Speaker’s Bureau Webinar

Jun 2020: Special Benefit Event for New Renaissance Bookshop!

Mar 2020: Healing and Immune Support for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons

Mar 2020: The Shift Network’s Evolved Empath Summit

Mar 2020: Healing and Immune Support for Empaths & Sensitives ~ Video / Tele-Workshop

Jan 2020Mar 2020: Healing for Empaths & Sensitives 10-Week Course

Jan 2020: New 3-hour live workshop!

Jan 2020: Healing for Empaths Lecture at Unity Church

Nov 2019: Featured Speaker at Metaphysical Fair

Oct 2019: Friday Night Presentation at the Science and Nonduality (SAND) Conference

Oct 2019: Lecture, Workshop and Private Sessions.

Sep 2019Oct 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons - In-Person Course

Sep 2019Nov 2019: Healing for Empaths and Sensitives – On-Line / Tele Course

Sep 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

Jun 2019Jul 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Drop-In Classes via Internet

May 2019Jun 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons - In-Person Course at NTCSL

May 2019: Featured Speaker at Metaphysical Fair

May 2019: Healing Circle for Empaths and Sensitives

Apr 2019Jun 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons 10-Week Course

Apr 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive PersonsWeekend!

April 9, 2019 to June 11, 2019, Tele-Course. Worldwide by Phone/Internet: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course

Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course

Apr 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive PersonsWeekend Workshop

Jan 24, 2019 to May 9, 2019 (excludes Mar 28), Hawthorne/Richmond, SE Portland, OR.: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course

Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course, 15 Thursdays

Jan 15 to March 19, 2019, and April 9, 2019 Multnomah Village, SW Portland, OR.: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course

Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course - 10 Tuesdays

Jan 2019Mar 2019: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Course

Sunday, Jan 13, 2019, Portland, OR: Special experiential lecture at New Renaissance Books

Special experiential lecture at New Renaissance Books

Nov 2018: Weekend Workshop

Nov 2018: Book Signing and Workshop

October 5–7, 2018, Seattle WA: Dave Markowitz at East West Bookshop

Friday Night Lecture, Saturday Morning Workshop, Saturday Afternoon & Sunday All Day Private Sessions

October 4 to December 13, 2018 Portland, OR.: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Workshop

Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Workshop - 10 Thursdays

September 30, 2018: Portland, OR: Special Guest Speaker at Paranormal Pub

Special Guest Speaker at Paranormal Pub - Close Encounters of the Empathic Kind

September 29-30, 2018 Portland, OR.: Lecture, Workshop, Mini-Sessions at Body Mind Spirit Expo

Body Mind Spirit Expo: Lecture, Workshop, Mini-Sessions

Sep 2018: Tele-Workshop: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Person

September 9, 2018 Portland, OR.: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

Aug 2018: Healing for Empaths & HSPs Workshop

Aug 2018: Mountain View, CA

April 21, 2018 to May 12, 2018: Lake Oswego, OR: 4-Week In-Person Workshop

4-week in-person workshop: Self-Care for the Self-Aware: Healing, Feeling, Connecting

Apr 2018Jun 2018: 11-week Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons

Mar 2018: Private Healing Sessions

Mar 2018: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Workshop

Mar 2018: Private Healing Sessions

Mar 2018: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

March 18, 2018: Portland, OR: Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons Lecture

7-Week Course: Thursdays, February 1, 2018 through March 15, 2018: 7-week Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons

7-week Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons

Jan 2018: Special Guest Intuitive at Church of Alice

Tuesday Mornings Jan. 23, 2018 to April 3, 2018 (Excludes Mar. 27, 2018): 10-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

10-Week Tele-Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person. Session V

Tuesday Evenings Jan. 23, 2018 to April 3, 2018 (Excludes Mar. 27, 2018): 10-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

10-Week Tele-Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person. Session V

Jan 2018: Transform Illness into Vitality

Presentation at Tabor Space for Portland IONS

Dec 2017

Presentation for Portland IONS, an Institute of Noetic Sciences Community Group

Oct 2017Nov 2017: Workshop at NTCSL

October 13th & 14th 2017, Seattle, WA: Lecture & Workshop

Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person Lecture & Workshop and Private Sessions

Oct 2017: Enlightened Humanity Circle™ Spiritual Rave Summit

Oct 2017: Boomerama Speaker

Sep 2017Jan 2018: 15-week Course

Friday Mornings, Sept. 22, 2017 to Dec 15, 2017: 12-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

12-Week Tele-Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Sep 2017: Live-stream interview on LIVE TRANSFORMATIONAL Talk Show

Sep 2017Dec 2017: Morning 12-week Tele-Workshop

Sep 2017Dec 2017: Evening 12-week Tele-Workshop

Sep 2017: Lecture: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

Portland, OR

September 910, 2017

Lecture: Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person, Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

Sep 2017: Divine Insight Interview

Mountain View, CA

August 45, 2017

Lecture: Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person

Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

Private Sessions ​

All at: East West Books 324 Castro St Mountain View, CA 94041 

Jun 2017: 10-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

Jun 2017: 20-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

April 23rd, 2017 in Portland, OR: Church of Alice Speaker

Special Guest Intuitive at Church of Alice

Apr 2017: 10-week Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person

March 17, 2017 in Portland, OR: New Renaissance Lecture

Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture at New Renaissance

March 11-12, 2017, Body Mind Spirit Expo, Hillsboro, OR

Body Mind Spirit Expo

20-Minute Mini-Sessions throughout the weekend.

45-Minute Lecture, Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person on Saturday

110-Minute Workshop, Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person on Sunday

February 17–19, 2017, Seattle, WA: East West Bookshop

East West Bookshop

Friday, Feb 17: Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture.

Saturday, Feb 18: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person 3.5-Hour Workshop.

Private Sessions Saturday, and Sunday.

October through December 1, 2016, Portland, OR, 8-Week, In-Person Course: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person
Unfold Yoga Studios, 3249 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202

Oct 29 – 30, 2016: Portland OR, Body Mind Spirit Expo
1-Hour Lecture on Saturday, 2-Hour Workshop on Sunday

Sept 30, Oct 1st and 2nd 2016, Seattle, WA
Friday, Sept 30: Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture.
Saturday, Oct 1: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person 3.5-Hour Workshop.
Private Sessions Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sept 25, 2016: Portland, OR
Talk at Church of Alice

Sept 23, 2016: Portland, OR
Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person Mental Health Happy Hour Lecture Series
Unfold Yoga Studios, 3249 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202

September 9, 2016: Portland, OR
Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture at Portland’s biggest and best store for conscious living:
New Renaissance, 1338 NW 23rd Ave. , Portland, OR 97210

June 26, 2016: Private Sessions at East West Bookshop 6407 12th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115

May 20-22, 2016, Mt. Shasta, CA
Wesak Conference & Celebration

April 2–3 2016: Portland, OR
Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person (Mini-Sessions, Lecture, and Special Workshop)
at Body Mind Spirit Expo, Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, Oregon

March 11, 2016: Portland, OR
Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture at Portland’s biggest and best store for conscious living: New Renaissance 1338 NW 23rd Ave. Portland, OR 97210

Feb 19, 2016, Seattle, WA
Healing as a Highly Sensitive Person lecture at Seattle’s biggest and best store for conscious living: East West Bookshop 6407 12th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115

Feb 20–21, 2016, Seattle, WA
Private Sessions at Seattle’s biggest and best store for conscious living: East West Bookshop 6407 12th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115

Jan 18, 2016 from your home or office:
Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) 2 Month Tele-Workshop

November 22, 2015: Portland, OR
Mini lecture, Self-Care for the Self-Aware, at Church of Alice

June 5, 2015:
Dave was video-interviewed by the Food Alchemy Show on the True Psychic Network!

April 18–19, 2015: Ridgefield, WA
Mini-Sessions and Workshop at Festival of Angels Expo

March 14/15, 2015: Seattle, WA
Private Sessions at: East West Bookshop

Tuesday, March 17, 2015: Portland, OR
Gallery of Metaphysical Arts: Share Your Gifts + Learn From Others
New Renaissance Bookstore

March 21-22 2015: Portland, OR
Mini-Sessions, Lecture, and Special Workshop at Body Mind Spirit Expo

November 1-2, 2014: Portland, OR
Mini-Sessions and Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo

October 18-19, 2014: Seattle, WA
Lecture & Private Sessions At East West Books

September 5, 2014: Portland, OR
Spiritual Marketing: Making a Living Doing What You Love

June 3, 2014: Free Tele-seminar. See details on Facebook.

May 31, 2014: Portland, OR
Workshop: Self-Care for the Self-Aware at New Renaissance Bookshop

May 11, 2014: Portland, OR
Mini lecture, Self-Care for the Self-Aware, at Church of Alice

May 28, 2014: Lake Oswego, OR
Featured speaker at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living

April 19, 2014: Battle Ground, WA
Workshop: Self-Care for the Self-Aware  3-5PM,
Location: New Awakenings

April 5–6, 2014, Portland, OR
Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo

March 28, 2014: New York, NY
Lecture at NY Open Center / Private Sessions

February 12th, 2014 at 12:00noon PT, On-Line!
Interview on Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation

February 23, 2014: Las Vegas, Nevada
Lecture and Book Signing
At Ganesha Center

March 7–8, 2014; Seattle, WA
East West Books

January 17-18, 2014
Lecture at East West Bookshop, Seattle, WA

November 24, 2013, Portland Oregon
Mini lecture, Self-Care for the Self-Aware, at Church of Alice

November 2–3, 2013, PortlandOregon
Lecture: Self-Care for the Self-Aware
At Body Mind Spirit Expo,

Saturday, October 19, 2013, A World-Wide Event
Self-Care for the Self-Aware: The Tele-Class Experience
Dave discussed concepts from his Self-Care book, and guided participants through both a 1:1 session and a group session!

Friday, October 4, 2013
Self-Care for the Self-Aware: The Experience at Healing Waters & Sacred Spaces

Wednesday, September 25
Dave intuited answers to callers’ questions on Holistic Health Talk Radio for Women

September 14, 2013, Portland, Oregon
Self-Care for the Self-Aware: The Experience
at New Renaissance Bookshop
Portland, OR

April 26–28, 2013: San Francisco, CA
Mini-Medical Intuitive Readings, & Lecture: Self-Care for the Self-Aware, at New Living Expo

April 20 & 21, 2013, Portland, Oregon
Readings/ Lecture, Self-Care for the Self-Aware at Body Mind Spirit Expo

March 28th, 2013: New York, NY: New York Open Center, Room 3-B, 22 E. 30th Street, NYC 10016:
LECTURE: Self-Care for the Self-Aware 
Last year, Dave showed NYC empaths how to prevent taking on and keeping what's not theirs. This year, he'll be refining that and then adding to it by showing you how to permanently heal what ails you with a super-powerful exercise that returns the empathic pain to its original source, called Return to Sender!

March 9th, 2013: Portland, OR:
Discounted mini-readings at PDX Women’s Expo (Oregon Convention Center)

February 10th, 2013: Portland, OR:
Mini lecture at Church of Alice

November 17th, 2012, Artisan, Psychic, and Wellness Faire, North Plains, OR
Lecture: Self Care for the Self Aware

November 9th, 2012, Portland, OR
Mini Workshop, Self Care for the Self Aware
At New Renaissance Bookshop

November 7th, 2012
Dave was interviewed by Irina Wardas, HHC AADP, Women's Health, Nutrition and Relationship Expert
Radio Show for Women

November 3 & 4, 2012, Body Mind Spirit Expo, Portland
Highly discounted mini-readings all days, lecture on Sunday November 4
Click here for Dave's details.

Saturday and Sunday, October 27 & 28, 2012, Las Vegas, NV, Ganesha Center
Saturday Lecture: Self Care for the Self Aware
Sunday: Private Sessions

Saturday, October 27, 2012, Las Vegas, NV
Dave was a guest on Virtual Light Broadcast

Saturday, July 28, 2012, Astoria, OR
Lecture, Self-Care for the Self Aware
Location: Columbia Memorial Hospital,
2111 Exchange St. Astoria, OR, 97103

Saturday, July 14, Portland, OR
Dave was the featured speaker at July’s Healer’s Gallery, a monthly event open to support anyone in the healing practices of energy work, massage, etc.

June 27th, 2012
Dave answered live questions form Melissa in Texas about her weight gain; Dahleen from Florida about her leaky gut; and Faith fro Kansas about healing her STD. Radio host Irina Wardas, HHC AADP, Women's Health, Nutrition and Relationship Expert, asked Dave to discuss the most important aspects of self healing! Listen to the MPS here!

Saturday May 24, 2012: Renton, WA
Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Solutions Workshop
At “The Venus Moon Bookstore

Friday, May 4, 2012: Portland, OR.
New Renaissance Bookshop
1338 NW 23rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97210

April 4–7, 2012: Dave in Seattle, WA.
Wednesday, April 4, evening lecture, 7pm –8:30pm: Self Care for the Self Aware.
Saturday April 7, workshop, 11am–3pm: Self Care for the Self Aware.

March 31 & April 1, 2012: Portland, OR.
Mini-Sessions and a Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo

March 10, 2012: Workshop, NYC:
Six Sensory NYC
Location: The Open Center, 22 East 30th Street, New York, NY

James Walsh
“...thank you for coming to NYC to present such an informative, grounded but thoroughly enlightening session yesterday - a kind of mini 'energetic survival guide' which will be extremely useful to me...I really appreciate the fact that you are teaching 'no-nonsense', hands on, 'get-down-and-do-it' type sessions in what tends to be an otherwise very ethereal, and sometimes rather ungrounded discipline.”
James Walsh, CEO, NYC

February 25–26, 2012: Las Vegas, NV.
Self-Care For The Self-Aware: A Solutions Workshop,
Location: The Ganesha Center

February 22–23, 2012: Dave in Scottsdale, AZ.
Self-Care For The Self-Aware: A Solutions Workshop,
Location: A Peace of the Universe Spiritual Book Store

January 22, 2012: Portland, OR: Mini lecture at Church of Alice

January 18, 2012: Call-in Radio Show Guest on KosmicKids

December 30, 2011: Radio Show Guest
Dave discusses what to do when we lose our glow; dealing with self-criticism; what causes energy blockages and how to release them; and the chemical causes of headaches and depression. Click here to listen: Get GLOWING on BlogTalkRadio.

October 10 through December 19, 2011: ALIGNING WITH SOURCE: A Provocative 13-Week Course Designed to Co-Create Your Passion, Purpose, and Presence - In Portland!

Click here for more details.

November 5–6, 2011: Body Mind Spirit Expo, Oregon Convention Center
Portland, OR
Saturday and Sunday: Private readings
Sunday: Lecture, Self-Care For The Self-Aware

October 26, 2011, : Experiential lecture: Self-Care For The Self-Aware
North Plains, OR
Ravenswork High Spirits Group

October 21, 2011:Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Solutions Workshop
The needs of the self-aware are different. Many of us are extra sensitive to foods and medicines, and many of us are overly empathic. Learn a channeled 3-step process specific to the self aware who are still dealing with lethargy, lack of focus, or pain and illness so we can better help others. Individualized readings will be given on-the-spot. New Renaissance Bookshop

October 9, 2011: Lecture, Self-Care For The Self-Aware, at Body Mind Spirit Expo,
Doubletree Mission Valley
7450 Hazard Center Dr.
San Diego, CA.

April 18 through July 4th. I AM LIVING GUIDANCE, Monday Evenings. Click here for more details.
If you knew for certain that at the end of this 3-month immersion your life would be radically different and catapulted into new realms of freedom, well-being, connectedness, creativity, peace, joy, love, service and bliss -- would you say yes?

April 30, 2011. Dave was on Virtual Light, the Internet web cast TV show dedicated to helping people "Re-member who they are" produced live in Las Vegas.

April 17, 2011. Lecture at the Body Mind Spirit Expo
Dave will give sample medical intuition readings on-the-spot! Click here for more info.

November 17th, 2010
Tele-Healing Circle

October 24, 2010
Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo, Portland, Oregon

October 3, 2010
San Diego Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo

September 10, 2010. 7pm-8:30pm
Talk, Q&A, and Book Signing, NE Portland.

August 25, 2010
Dave was interviewed on Create Your Own Reality TV Program 7pm

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Joyous Abundance: Making a Living Doing What You Love

• Are you self-employed and looking for more clients?
• Are you looking for a new job or a career change?
• Are you tired of searching for the answers?

In this unique workshop, you’ll identify and activate your life’s purpose so that you can get paid for doing what you love. You’ll catalyze a new relationship with money that will allow you to receive the Universe’s blessings faster and easier than ever before. Financial freedom is a decision away—learn to make the right one!

Through lecture, exercises, sharing, and pulling weeds and planting seeds, you’ll fertilize your financial landscape. Your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth will further open your heart so that you can share your gifts and make a living doing what you love!

Sunday, April 11, 2010: Portland, OR
Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo. Click here for details.

March 20, 2010: Seattle, WA
Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo.

March 16, 2010
Tele-Healing Circle

February 21, San Diego, CA, Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lecture at New Renaissance Bookstore, Portland, OR.

Annual New Year’s Eve Gathering and Ritual.
2010 was welcomed in with a Burning Bowl ceremony, living foods, and a giant Healing Circle!

November 21, 2009
Awakenings Workshop - Level One; Portland, Oregon

November 7, 2009: Portland, OR.
Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo

November 3, 2009.
Dave interviewed by Sameon Crumby of Red Bull of Talk Radio Click here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lecture at Holistic Living Expo, San Diego, CA

October 9, 2009
Internet Radio interview by author ReGina Norlinde! Click here to listen.

September 19, 2009: Lecture, San Diego, CA.

September 13, 2009: Lecture, Pasadena, CA.

September 3, 2009
Lecture at New Renaissance Bookstore, Portland, Oregon.
Click here for details

Baltimore Maryland, August, 2009
Monday August 17: Lecture at Breathe Books
Tuesday August 18: Private Sessions at Breathe Books

June 7, 2009: Lecture and demonstration of Healing with Source in Spokane, WA.

Saturday April 18, 2009: Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo, Portland, OR.

March 28–29, 2009: Los Angeles, CA.

March 22–24, 2009: Seattle, WA.

February 28–March 2, 2009: Lecture, Intuitive Health Consultations, Finding Your Soul's Purpose workshop, and Spiritual Healing, Baltimore, MD.

Thursday, February 26, 2009: Intuitive Health Consultations and Spiritual Healing, Los Angeles, CA

Wednesday, February 25, 2009: Healing and Transformation Circle, Los Angeles, CA

February 21–23, 2009: Lecture and private sessions, San Diego, CA.

Listen to Dave (Feb 16th):

January 22, 2009: Healing and Transformation Circle, NYC

January 18, 2009: How to Communicate with Source Workshop, NYC

January 11, 2009: Featured Speaker at East West Books, NYC

Wednesday, January 7, 2009, Queens, NY.
Lecture at The Psychic Club of Queens

Tuesday, December 16, 2008: Healing and Transformation Circle
Best-selling author and spiritual healer Dave Markowitz, and Grammy-award winning producer and sound healer Barry Goldstein co-created a community of high vibration and consciousness in NYC!

Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008: The Healing Power of Art; The Powerful Art of Healing
Nadiya's spacious 2,000 square foot studio / gallery was transformed into a joyful space of Art & Healing. NYers stepped away from the bustling, noisy New York City streets and spent a relaxing afternoon mingling with artists, art enthusiasts, and energy healers, in a casual, peaceful atmosphere.

Monday, November 3, 2008, NYC, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
A Special Healing and Transformation Circle with best-selling author and spiritual healer Dave Markowitz, and Grammy-award winning producer and sound healer Barry Goldstein was held at the loft of world-renowned artist Nadiyah Jinnah among her artwork!

October 19–21, 2008: Portland, Oregon
2-Hour Lecture, “You’re A-Ha Moment Awaits You!” at Body Mind Spirit Expo and Private Sessions.

Monday, September 29, 2008, Healing Circle, NYC

September 22, 2008: San Diego, CA.
Private Sessions at: Body Mind College
San Diego, CA 92121

September 21, 2008: San Diego, CA.
2-Hour Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo.

September 7, 2008: Pasadena, CA.
2-Hour Lecture at Body Mind Spirit Expo.

August 10–11, 2008: Baltimore, MD.
Lecture, Healing Circle, and Private Sessions at breathe books.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008, Baltimore, MD
Dave interviewed on Woman Talk Live. Listen to the replay here (scroll about one third in).

July 22, 2008
Sacred Sound Healing Circle and Inspirational Concert with Grammy-award winning producer, and sound healer Barry Goldstein, and best-selling author and spiritual healer, Dave Markowitz.

Attendees received individual and group energy work and chakra balancing, and together we reached that quiet mind we all seek. Barry and Dave then performed in a live inspirational concert!

July 19, 2008
Dave and many others at the Sustainable Film Festival, NYC

Friday June 27th, 2008: Source-Inspired Healing Circle in NYC

Saturday, April 5, 2008: Lecture and Healing Circle Hybrid, NYC

Saturday March 29, 2008: Lecture at New Life Expo

Saturday March 1: New Book Release Party
Ditmas Park, Brooklyn. Dave discussed and signed his new compilation book, Wake Up... Live The Life You Love: Living In Abundance, co-featuring Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, and Bill Harris and Michael Beckwith from The Secret.

February 4: VIP Healing Circle, NYC
A by-requested less populated Healing Circle found each attendee receiving more specific attention. This special event was limited to just 9 attendees for a more dramatically profound experience and can be likened to a semi-private mini-session with Dave.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Lecture at the Learning Annex, Los Angeles CA.

January 22, 2008: Dave interviewed by Lynn Andrews, Medicine Woman
Lynn Andrews has written 19 books about her adventures, personal transformation and spiritual growth over the past 35 years. She’s worked and studied with an extraordinary group of shaman women, many of them elders, from indigenous cultures all over the world; these women have chosen to bring their ancient wisdom into today’s world in order that we may all work together to heal our planet and our own lives and restore harmony and joy to the world in which we live. She believes that her purpose in life is to become a bridge between Western consciousness and the sacred and ancient consciousness that also lives on this earth, as it was taught to her.  Click here to listen to her interview with Dave!

January 13, 2008: Activating Your Soul’s Purpose workshop
Attendees received: clarity about their soul’s purpose; assistance in awakening and accomplishing its mission; and tools for integration into the physical world! We used guided visualizations and attunements, experiential exercises, and sacred sound and song in identifying, awakening, and integrating their soul's purpose to move forward in a more powerful way on their spiritual path with!

This was co-taught by Dave Markowitz and Barry Goldstein, the Grammy Award Winning Producer and Sound Healer who’s worked with Shirley Maclaine, Wayne Dyer, James Van Praagh, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsh and Dannion Brinkley and host of Guided Attunements on the World Puja Network.

Thank you for the amazing workshop, I can honestly say that it served as a joyous turning point in my life. Dave and Barry are so talented, their unique gifts created a dynamic, interesting, fun, profound, and nurturing experience, which for me was a total success--my personal mission (which happens to be my life's dream) was staring back at me! The progression and pace of the exercises were perfect for accessing the soul's highest information, for connecting to your true self. These crystal-clear visions felt nearly magical, but were yet so real--for me they provided immediate guidance and made sense of so many things...I feel so free now! It's as if I've been given a second chance--for this I am overcome with gratitude. It was an honor and delight to share this special day with Dave, Barry, and the group, as I can't imagine doing such soul searching work with better people. Seemed like we all left with valuable gifts, namely increased love, wisdom/clarity, gratitude, and hope. I highly recommend this workshop to everyone! Blessings, Sandra

December 15th Virtual Healing Circle

Friday, Oct 26, 2007, New York City: Source-Inspired Healing Circle

Tuesday, Oct 23, 2007: Virtual Healing Circle. We had callers from England, Norway, and all over America: NY, NJ, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.

Live Demo at the New Life Expo, NYC October 19

Oct 5–7, 2007, Lightworkers Midwest Conference, Chicago, Illinois
Dave Markowitz offered mini-sessions at www.Angelic-Art.com/LightworkersConference.htm

Monday September 24, Healing Circle in NYC
with special guest Grammy Award-Winning Producer, and Sound Healer, Barry Goldstein!

Monday October 1, Instant Healing Demo, NYC

September 10, 2007, VIRTUAL HEALING CIRCLE!

Monday August 6, Instant Healing Demo, NYC

“Thanks again for a great night.  I learn so much listening and watching you work.  It’s amazing how we’re always in the right place when we ask for guidance.  You spoke to exactly what I needed to hear last night.  I’ve been researching emotions and how they are connected to our body-mind so I can speak to those still carrying all that baggage after divorce.  Two days ago a flood of books came to me, and last night I think I really understood more on how this all is connected.  Whenever you have your classes please put me on the list!  It was so great to be in the audience and learn.”
- J Burns

Monday July 30, Healing Circle in NYC
This special event featured Grammy-award winning producer, and sound healer, Barry Goldstein!

Here's what Joan said about the last lecture/demo:

"Dave, you continue to amaze me.  What a wonderful gift of you have!  The healing circle was pure joy with a surprise "journey" attached to it!  And Barry, your music is not only beautiful but healing.  Together you both enabled me to let go of old emotions and move gently into a new space of personal freedom.  I think you both work wonders together!  Thanks so much!!!"

Monday July 9, Free Lecture/Demo in NYC
Here's what Sandra said about the last lecture/demo:

"Dave's healing demo was unlike anything I could have imagined, even though I've been to healing circles before and I am familiar with energy work. Within 2 hours, about 10 people were cured/self-healed, including a woman who came in on crutches and left without them! It was almost anti-climactic how the most deep rooted, life-long issues just disappeared within seconds. Some were very beautiful stories. It was so baffling and awesome to see major transformations instantaneously; I had to tell everyone I know about it. It is my conviction that pain and discomfort are simply our bodies seeking to tell us something. There's no need to suffer, it's just a message waiting to be decoded. Dave has the gift of great precision--with few words (perhaps one question), his sharp intuitive wisdom takes you to the source. It's truly profound how powerful awareness is and beautiful to witness it change lives. With awareness of the root cause, you shift, it's that simple. Self-healing is not only possible, it's easy and fun! Thanks again, Dave for being on your mission and doing it so well."

Monday June 25, 2007, Healing Circle
Dave facilitated another amazing evening for all in attendance. Some got images and messages long in wait, others peace of mind and clarity, and others cessation of symptoms of pain or illness. You don't want to miss the next one!

June 2007, West Coast Tour:
June 11: Lecture/Demo, San Diego
June 12: Lecture/Demo at the Learning Annex, San Diego
June 13: Private Sessions in San Diego
June 14: Lecture/Demo at the Learning Annex, Los Angeles
June 15: Private Sessions in West Toluca Lake, San Fernando Valley

Monday, June 4: Instant Healing Demo

Here is what some have said:

“Tonight was amazing. I am so very happy to have had our paths intersect. You are indeed a jewel. You have a powerful punch. You communicate so that the listener is engaged & you do it with humor and a lightness that's refreshing!

I have been given such a tremendous gift to see one of the reasons why I experienced being bipolar for so many years and that has caused a huge shift in my consciousness. I can't even begin to say how exciting that is. When you made that distinction tonight my entire body responded very physically. My chest and stomach protruded and gravitated towards the front of the room (from where your voice...that truth, was coming from) and I literally gasped involuntarily. It was as if I was sitting in a dank room with no ventilation for 12 years and then all the sudden someone kicked a hole in the wall and a gust of fresh air came bellowing in to fill my lungs. The experience was that magical. Again, thank you.”

- Big hug, Myrna De Jesus. BodyTalk Practitioner, NYC

Monday May 21, 2007
The Source-Inspired Healing Circle was sold out in advance. Dave co-facilitated a very powerful experience for all those in attendance; many received many much-needed messages about their health, others about their career, and most were her so elated that they didn’t want to go home!

Monday, May 7: Instant Healing Demo

"TC"" came in on crutches and walked out without them; ""AG" released decades of grief and subsequent abdominal pain when those she felt she lost "came through" with messages specifically for her. And ""BH" danced her way to health right before our eyes!!!

Monday April 16, 2007
The Source-Inspired Healing Circle was sold out well over a week in advance. Dave co-facilitated a very powerful experience for all those in attendance, bringing the powers of gratitude and intention to the attendees to assist in manifesting their visions. One person “saw” her deceased relatives in a vision, others got messages of transformation, and still others had healing experiences in the physical realm.

Monday April 9: Instant Healing Demo
Many volunteers were chosen at random and worked with as Dave channeled Source giving each attendee exactly what they needed. Some received clarifications on what was causing their illness and a healing; others information on how to heal themselves. Overall, this was another sold out event far exceeded everyone’s expectations!

Friday March 30, Lecture at The New Life Expo, NYC

Monday March 26, Healing Circle
Dave co-facilitated a deeply moving and highly transformative healing circle delivered directly from Source. This included person-specific messages, instant downloads of individualized much needed information, and direct healing energy in alignment with your truest desires!

“Something very powerful happened as soon as you turned on the music.  I spontaneously started to cry.  It wasn't sadness per se, but I definitely felt that there was a surge of emotional energy moving through me.  Against your advice, I tried to stop myself, to control myself and I did.  My mind wandered for a bit, and I recall having a conversation with what I will assume was my guide.  I mean, it was me...but it wasn't.  She told me it was my time, that it was time to leave "home" and that the old lessons I have learned no longer serve me.  I felt frightened, and she was reassuring, calm.  I am still frightened.  Later you came, and you touched my heart.  At first I felt my mind was blank and remember thinking, everything is suddenly so dark.  Then it felt like you somehow increased the intensity, and I started to cry.  I didn't stop myself this time.  I had a very vivid image of a young girl (myself I suppose) standing on her toes, straight upright, arms bolted to her sides, hands clenched in fists and shaking her head up to someone, insisting "I'm not broken, I'm not broken, I'm not broken."  It was very insistent and urgent and she wasn't going to let anyone interrupt her or let them put her down.  I felt like this was something I've not done before, stood up for myself in this way, so definite.  I also realized though that this girl was deeply hurt.  I also recall feeling a lot of heat in my body.  Finally the girl found the fire inside her to defy whoever told her she's "just not cut out for it"
– K.O. NYC
“You asked us to bring an intention and an object to symbolize that intention. I brought a $2 bill that I have been keeping in a box of keys since I moved into my new apartment 1 1/2 years ago. My intention was to raise myself above the financial rut I am currently caught up in, really for the first time in my adult life. As I waited for guidance that night, I realized that I am looking for a "key", and that bill had been sitting on keys for some time. I was getting the message to release the fear and play my life like a game and a challenge with joy and zeal. To "let my heart fly". When you came to me you placed your hand over my heart and whispered in my ear to "let it go."  Release it—let it fly. YES. Good guidance from Source and through you from Source. A confirmation. Later you placed your hand on my third eye and I saw a rose bud bloom in the darkness. My intention is now to bring that flower to light and nourish it. I saw many images as paintings in my own style during that meditation. And I was guided to buy some black paper, colored chalk and gouache. Not materials I usually work with. But they are now on my shopping list. I am so grateful for that evening.”
– Kristin Reed, Reiki Practitioner, Brooklyn, NY

Monday March 5: Instant Healing Demo
Dave received and shared messages about ADD and many other things. He then assisted in helping several attendees release years of chronic pain, including one that seemed to be from another lifetime! “I am thankful for your technique and resourcefulness of intuitively finding the cause of the current problem” said another attendee. We sincerely appreciate your coming out and sharing in this amazing experience!

Monday February 19, 2007
This Healing Circle’s theme was Breaking Down the Walls to Get What We Really Want. This event was powerful, challenging, and a lot of fun! We also spontaneously rose $639 dollars for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida!

Some of the things we learned through experiential exercises: even though there was a room filled with seemingly separate people, there was only one of us, too; and that communication is based on listening rather than speaking. Thanks to all who attended and for spreading the word!

February 5th, 2007: Instant Healing Demo
During the demo, Dave got a message to tell one woman to surrender. She then said she woke up with that message, and now, with this confirmation, was able to surrender to Source and release 10 years of consistent upper left chest pain in just a few minutes! Another released 25 years of chronic lower back pain. Both were surprised to find their causes were not physical in nature and thus became aware of why their symptoms were not relieved using physical-based modalities. That is among the many advantages of energy based healing—it works quickly when the true underlying causes are identified and corrected!! Thank you for your openness and for braving the single-digit temperatures to get there!

Monday, January 22, 2006, Healing Circle:
In preparation for the approaching Valentine’s Day, the theme that day was manifesting more love! Thanks to all who went for it!

Saturday, January 20, 2007, NYC
Meet the Psychics, Meet the Healers - A Day of Psychic Miracles! Dave shared the stage with world class healers and psychics for a day of unforgettable and lasting transformation on the Learning Annex’s Panel of Experts.

January 8, 2006, Instant Healing Demo. Two volunteers received on-the-spot treatments and relieved years of neck stiffness and mid-back pain!

Monday, November 13, 2006,
Perspectives Study Group, NYC

Monday, October 30, 2006
Holistic Halloween Healing Circle, NYC

Monday, October 16, 2006, PERSPECTIVES STUDY GROUP, IN NYC
Another amazing group of magnanimous souls got together to raise their vibration and manifest their dreams as one. Thanks so much to all who attended! See you November 13!

September 30, NYC
Meet the Psychics; Meet the Healers panel of experts at the Learning Annex

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Lecture at the Learning Annex NYC: How to Heal Yourself

Monday, September 18, 2006
An amazing group of magnanimous souls got together to raise their vibration and manifest their dreams as one. Thanks so much to all who attended—see you on October 16th!

Saturday, July 29, 2006
Meet the Psychics; Meet the Healers – A panel of experts give lectures, mini-workshops and demonstrations at the Learning Annex, NYC

Thursday, July 27, 2006
Lecture at the Learning Annex NYC: How to Heal Yourself

Saturday June 3 2006
6-hour workshop at the Learning Annex.

Wednesdays in June, 2006
Letting Your Mind Heal Your Body.
A 4-week intensive at the Edgar Cayce Center / Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE)

Saturday May 13 2006
Dave lectured with Deepak Chopra, Gary Null and more at the Learning Annex "Live Well Day"

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Meet the Psychics; Meet the Healers Panel at the Learning Annex

Wednesday, April 5. 2006
Lecture at The Psychic Club of Queens

Saturday, April 1, 2006
Lecture at the New Life Expo. Join thousands of like-minded souls on an exploration of all things alternative. From healthy foods to healing modalities, from live music concerts to channeling, the New Life Expo is the best and largest of its kind!

February 20 through March 20
“A Radical Approach to Self-Healing" —A Weekly Intensive at the non-for-profit Association for Research and Enlightenment/Edgar Cayce Center, NYC

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
How to Heal Yourself Forever at The Learning Annex, NYC

Saturday, January 21, 2006
Meet the Psychics, Meet the Healers-A distinguished panel exploring psychic phenomenon and medical intuition. The Learning Annex brought together spiritual messengers and healers to bring you the relationship, career, money, and health answers you've been searching for. Seminars, psychic readings.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006
at The Learning Annex, NYC

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Lecture: The science behind Mind-Body Medicine
At TRS Professional Office Suites

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 12:00 Noon
Lecture at the New Life Expo in NYC

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 2:00PM-5:00PM
How Medical Intuition Can Help You workshop at the not-for-profit Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (ARE) /Edgar Cayce.

Saturday, September 10, 2005.
Dave lectured on a panel at NYC's most esteemed adult education facility, The Learning Annex.

August 3, 2005
Lecture at the Queens Psychic Club.

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Psychic Healer Claudia Roth; Author of "Numerology and You" Lloyd Strayhorn; Psychic and Healer Heshheru Amenrahetep; and Dave Markowitz! Lectures at TRS Professional Office Suites, 44 East 32nd Street between Park and Madison Ave. NYC

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Meet the Healers at The Learning Annex. A panel of giftees gives back lectures, workshops and more.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
A group of amazingly knowledgeable and diverse practitioners in one exciting workshop! Learn how to improve your own health for less money, with fewer drugs and fewer visits to the doctor's office. Dr. Robert Woodbine, ND, M.Ac. will discuss the use of Traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathic principles to optimize well-being and promote self-sufficiency. Margot Schulman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Whole foods chef will discuss powerful and healing foods and simple ways of preparing them. Dave Markowitz, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Healer, Channel, and Author, will lead a discussion on the true source of pain and illness, and what you can do about it. www.VoxPopNet.net, Brooklyn, NY

Sunday, July 10, 2005
Mini sessions at ARE/Edgar Cayce Center in Central Park.

Friday, June 3, 2005
Medical Intuition Lecture at the NYC branch of the Association for Research
and Enlightenment.

Monday, May 23, 2005
WORKSHOP: How Medical Intuition Can Help You at The Learning Annex, NYC

Thursday, March 24, 2005
Individualized Nutrition at Organic Avenue, NYC

Monday March 21, 2005 WORKSHOP
What the Bleep is Medical Intuition? at The Learning Annex, NYC

Sunday March 6, 2005
Lecture: What the Bleep is Medical Intuition? at The New Life Expo, NYC

Tuesday February 15, 2005
Workshop: What the Bleep is Medical Intuition? at The Learning Annex, NYC

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:30pm
Workshop: What the Bleep is Medical Intuition? at The Learning Annex, NYC

Saturday January 15th 2005
Spiritual Messengers and Healers Panel at The Learning Annex, NYC

Friday, January 14th 2005, 6:45pm-9:00pm
Workshop: Quantum Physics of Nutrition at "Organic Avenue" NYC

Monday, November 22nd 2004, 6:45pm

Thursday, November 18th, 2004

October 20th 6:45pm
WORKSHOP: The Five Steps to Healing at "Organic Avenue"

October 17th 12:00 Noon
LECTURE: What is Medical Intuition and How Can it Help You?
at The New Life Expo

October 13th, 6:30pm
WORKSHOP: What is Medical Intuition and How Can it Help You?
at The New Life Expo

Monday, September 27th
How to Communicate with Angels

September 8, 2004
WORKSHOP: What is Medical Intuition?
At The Learning Annex

June 25 2004
Healthy Yoga @Spirit New York 530 West 27th St. 5th floor New York, NY

June 9 2004
"Organic Avenue" 23 Ludlow Street, Loft 2 New York, NY

May 20 2004
530 West 27th Street Second Floor Lower West Side Manhattan

May 1 2004
Medical Intuition Lecture with Dave Markowitz
530 West 27th Street Second Floor Lower West Side Manhattan

April 18, 2004
Say Goodbye to Neck and Back Pain - PLUS! 1pm-4pm at: Atmananda Holistic Spa

March 24 2004
Say Goodbye to Neck and Back Pain - Now!

March 21, 2004
An Introduction to Mind-Body Medicine. Come to NEWLIFE EXPO

November 10, 2003
Say Goodbye to Neck and Back Pain - Now! Workshop at ALOK Holistic Health Community

October 26, 2003
Lecture at The New Life Expo NYC among Music Concerts, Holistic Samples, Bookstore. 150 Speakers, 150 Exhibits, thousands of attendees

June 1, 2003

May 4, 2003

April 12, 2003
Say Goodbye to Neck and Back Pain-Now! Workshop at ALOK Holistic Health Community

April 6, 2003

March 2, 2003

February 8, 2003
Say Goodbye to Neck and Back Pain-Now! Workshop at ALOK Holistic Health Community

October 20, 2002
Lecture and Workshop at New Life Expo

October 17, 2002
Lecture at TRS Professional Office Suites

Prior to the above
various Lectures, Workshops, Booths, and Classes taught throughout the NYC area, including The Swedish Institute's Continuing Education Department, The Learning Annex, The New Life Expo NYC, The Whole Life Expo NYC, The Natural Health and Fitness Expo NYC, and The Mind Body Spirit Expo Pa.