Workshops & Courses
for Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives

In-Person Events


“I have worked with quite a few therapists and healers in the last two decades, so I have my fair share of specialist I can compare Dave Markowitz with. What really stuns me since my very first session with him a year ago in April 2023, is that he has this immense ability paired with a mind-blowing ease of letting the hardest and most painful themes in life seem so easily accessible. And in the end lovable. There is then no resistance, shame or weirdness left afterwards, just peace with what is and a deep knowing that all the pain was
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– H.F., MD, Austria
“I have found Dave's work to be transformational. He provides tools for change along with the thinking behind them, making it easy for the person to practice with confidence. My experience has been one of transformative change as his teaching is based on embracing all of it with love. I have noticed old patterns change. What I like most about Dave is that he is fully present in the moment, is very real yet embodies a spiritual presence and above all has a great sense of humour.”
– Z. B., Psychotherapist, United Kingdom
“One of my favorite lines from a fictional character, Forrest Gump, “I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both” can best describe my encounter with discovering Dave’s work and group. A synchronous leap and a desire to feel better, lead me to a gathering I would highly recommend and return to again and again. The compassion and empathy offered and the held space and first notions of what it truly means for one to hold space, made all the
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– Jen Lekas, Phlebotomist/Lab Assistant, Sherwood Oregon, USA
Laurell Eden
“I’ve been a client and a friend of Dave Markowitz for over 25 years. Dave creates a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental space in his workshops. He reminds us that the uncomfortable emotions and pain that we reflexively and habitually suppress and push away are much better dealt with when we allow them to be witnessed with love and acceptance. My experience with following Dave’s advice, many, many times, is that in allowing pain to share its message, just listening and being present, like a loving adult might be for a youngster,
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– Laurell Eden, health & weight loss coach, CA, USA
Eileen Corado
“I have battled through years of anxiety, symptoms and dysfunctional relationships. Dave has taught me that I can integrate, heal, and honor all aspects of my life, body, mind and spirit, and now, in my late 60s, I continue to improve. I’m finding my true and authentic self through Dave’s courses and his book, Empathipedia, and have learned lifelong skills and knowledge that are forever priceless to me. I became aware that I had decades of suppressed and unresolved wounds of deep grief and abandonment. His kind and gentle ways,
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– Eileen Corado, Sun City, AZ. USA

I want to thank-you for the marvelous course I just completed with you through the Shift Network. Your teachings, the work that you do, and who you are as a healer and empath in the world has given me so much.

I know that healing and growth are always on my path, and I continue to grow and explore new energies. With your past course, I feel that healing has happened, and I can now use what you taught so wonderfully to continue on my path. I loved your course and received so much from it. Your work and you are beautiful.

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– Marie Nelson, Santa Rosa, Ca, Artist
“Dave's class provided a safe space for me explore past wounds that I had kept tucked away for too long, helping me to ‘lighten the load’ and unburden myself from hidden pains I had carried for a lifetime.  His class sent me on a path of deep healing that even many months later continues to work its magic on me.  Thank you, Dave!”
– Becky Magnolia, Author of Joyride: A Soulful Journey Along Florida’s A1A Highway

I just listened to Healing Abandonment and I was stirred by emotion and instantly cried, thinking of my parents and husband… I felt very alone.

I became angry with God for abandoning me also. As I sat in that, I opened my eyes to see the calm blue sky and trees, my 2 dogs snoring and breathing next to me, enjoying this quiet time with me. They live for these moments. Perhaps I do too.

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– Jeanie
“A heart felt thank you for the meditation today. I definitely feel the collective grief, loss and fear/anxiety. I'm much more conscious of what I pick up. I often find it difficult to hear my own inner voice or I should say, it is there and I often defer to my left brain. Today was different as I waited, leaving behind my left-brain thoughts. I was directed to focus on my digestive system and in the quiet I heard, “You are processing your roommate’s feelings.” I waited... and a wave of compassion came beside me. Compassion for
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– Love, Paula
“I am in gratitude to you and all of like mind who are working to assist each other during these times. Being a part of this group offers a safe space to come together for support and sharing.  We are never alone in spirit as we are all connected.  Having this type of connection is very important as we hold each other with patience, understanding and compassion - with a large dose of unconditional love.”
– Anna J., McMinnville, OR
“I am so thankful to Dave for offering these wonderful Healing Circles!  During this time of isolation due to the COVID outbreak, he has provided a lifeline and much needed service and made it available to all with the Pay What You Can option!  I have found his guidance and the group collective experience to be so helpful in my meditation during the sessions.  Feelings of grief, pain and abandonment around past experiences are coming up that I didn’t even realize I had buried within me which is giving me the opportunity to begin
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– Julie, Seattle, WA
“The framework flowed rather quickly during your session, seemingly in response to a question I put forward, and I ended up making a lot of notes during the stillness.  More details were supplied over the next day or two.  I figured I was finished working in this way, but the current level of chaos called me back in.  Your session offer landed at just the right time and helped me figure out what that would be.  I am making myself available to try and support others who want to support self and others.”
– M. Kerr, Retired (so I thought!) Life Coach, Aurora OR.
Andrea Winn
“Thank you for offering this series. I have been putting out a lot of energy lately to serve others, offering a conversation series online. It is really nice to come to your space on Thursdays this month and experience your lovely holding of space. I do enjoy hearing what you have to say, and the quiet Source meditation time is a great gift. I just wanted you to know I am truly grateful.”
– Andrea Winn, Heroic Leadership Coach, Halifax, NS Canada
“Thank you so much for today’s call. It was awesome! First time I’m joining. Despite having an active 5 months old puppy jumping around next to me I felt sooo much peace. Thank you so much. Feeling immense JOY right now.”
– Michelle, energy healer from Melbourne, Australia
It amazes me that even when listening to the recording of the Removing Entities Healing Circle, I instantly was transported into a field of light. I saw my ‘entity’ in the left corner of my mind. It looked a little like a black scribble mark or black dust bunny line drawing. I let the little guy know that I was open to the message he had. What I heard was that ‘it is okay to let go of the past; it is okay to bathe in the light.’ I experienced...
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– Annette Grant, Tucson, AZ
“I made the intention that my contribution to this class is that I would share your website and insights with everyone who is doing healing/energy work on other people because I believe the techniques you have developed to clear energy are the best out there. As I did so, my daughter called me, ‘Do you have a resource for clearing out all the energy I pick up during my healing sessions, mums?’ So I referred her. As did the Universe. Gratitude.”
– M., Holistic Educator, Montreal CA
JoAnn Kohl
“The healing continued even after yesterday's healing circle. I woke up in the middle of the night to an inner eye vision. I saw you at my right side, at 2 or 3 o'clock, composed of crystal clear conscious light particles. Then a ball of white light descended upon me, followed by a column/waterfall of light and energy that rippled through me. A few minutes later, I felt a great sense of calm, stillness, peace, and centeredness in my heart. Also, when I woke up this morning, my cat Habanero (whom I put in the healing circle) power
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– JoAnn Kohl, business attorney, Portland, Oregon
“So glad to have been in the group today. For me, a stunning shift as I realized the difference in being in my mind/ego and my heart/love. Profound!!! … Love does not fail. I cannot love with my mind. My mind/ego is at war with my heart. It's like having a foot on either side of a divide that just gets wider and wider until I am torn in two. There is no divide when I am in my heart space when I am in Love and Source. Whew...thank you for doing what you do. I am grateful to be able to be with everyone.”
– Elle O'dowd, victim/offender dialogue facilitator and writer, Florida, USA
Shelli L Speaks
“The Tele-Healing Circle was amazing! I had never met or heard of you before, but I always know that I'm where I'm supposed to be. At first it was hard to relax, and I didn't have any music ready to put on, so I just laid back on my bed and was open to receive. The energy came through strong and tangible. I literally felt like my head was being morphed into a new shape. There was strong energy going into my third eye, and the session ended with an overall feeling of peace and tranquility. I was speechless (in a very positive way).
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Shelli L Speaks, inspirational healer, Riverside, CA
“Thanks so much…and boy did, I need it. Clearly when Source told you about the money situation, it was meant for me…So as of today, it's all about me being deserving of it, and using it as a tool and not something bad. I literally felt something lift off my body, around my gut before we got started....and thank you for the acknowledgement about asking, something pretty big for me. I also…am considering doing a session with you again to just make sure that I tweak what else might be going on.”
– Donna D., NYC
“Hi Dave, I really enjoyed being part of the first virtual healing circle last night. It was fun to have people on the call from all over the world, and I think it helped to create a very expansive energy. That was a good exercise too– -very illuminating! Thanks for making this happen!”
– Susan Lander, Medium, NYC
Janet Cristenfeld
“After experiencing several of your healing circles in person, I was pleased to find that it was equally as powerful over the phone. During the tele-healing circle, it came to me that a sadness I was feeling was actually bottled up love, and since then, the sadness has dissipated. So thank you, Dave, for the opportunity and help in opening that up”
Janet Cristenfeld, NYC, Artist and Intuitive Energy Healer

Dear Dave,
Thank you for the circle! It was very blissful to splash around in all that positive energy. AND, a beautiful "coincidence” occurred soon after our call.

My intention had been to open myself to more love–a loving partnership, and any expansion into love on my path in Clown. After we hung up, I was blissfully folding my laundry when it came to me...

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– Sarah F., writer and clown, NYC
“I have found Dave to be remarkable. He helps educate people on what is their trauma and what doesn’t belong to them. His soft-spoken voice immediately put me at ease in my first session with him. He channels a profound wisdom that makes you want to know more. In my years of working in healthcare with different types of integrative medicine approaches, Dave exemplifies how healing occurs from the inside out.”
– Diana Previs, Advocate for Wellness
“I have attended Healing for Empaths twice at the East West Bookstore Seattle WA. I also had the honor of having a 1-on-1 video consult with Dave. I first learned of the term empath at age 45! It was as if all the pieces of my trauma filled life started making sense. For the first time in my life I did not feel bad, shameful, guilty, fearful for being an overly sensitive person. I was not a “drama queen” or “mentally unstable” or “bi-polar” or “weak” or a million other labels my family and others put on me. I simply had
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– JJ, Mill Creek WA.
“Dave is focused on helping people become comfortable with finding out what is going on in their life experiences and their physical body so that they can know and care for themselves. He provides a space where the student is encouraged to trust in themselves and use his tools for selfcare. Dave encouraged me to be independent and confident! He uses his own intuition in such a way that is respectful and non-judgmental and non-overwhelming to the client.”
– April Whiston, Self Employed / Entrepreneur, Chicago, Illinois


Prior Events and Testimonials

10-Week Telecourses

Highly valuable; I learned what I’m taking on that’s not mine…

“I found the group sessions highly valuable because I learned how sensitive I am and what I’m taking on that’s not mine. This was made evident in the group setting and shares, which I gained a great deal from. Dave is a skilled facilitator and intuitive. I appreciated being called out on my “non-availability” to men so I could work on opening my heart. I had been doing work with another practitioner and that never came up, so I seriously appreciated the “tough” love! ;-)”
– J.O., Portland, OR

An enlightening journey towards thriving in a challenging world…

“Dave skillfully and eloquently takes the group on a down to earth, enlightening journey towards thriving in the challenging world as a Highly Sensitive Person and empath. His keen intuition and heart-felt compassion open the door for all of us to enter the beautiful world that awaits.”
– Lisa Smole, BS, MBA, Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist (CMS-CHt), Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (FIBH)

Moved to tears...

I am moved to tears right now as I realize how helpful it was to have this group to connect with every Tuesday. It was a beautiful thing to watch how holding space in a safe environment without judgement enabled everyone to work deeper—that is pretty amazing when I realize that we began as total strangers! I have heard the term ‘holding space’ for many years, but never totally understood the concept until I experienced it on these calls!

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– Carla

Able to move into my heart space more often…

Denise Taylor
“After taking Dave's class, I have a much better understanding of and appreciation for my sensitivities. I also feel much stronger and more confident in my ability to handle situations that in the past would have exhausted or overwhelmed me. Most importantly, I am able to move into my heart space more often and come from that sacred center when I am with others. Dave's ability to hold sacred space for us in  the group was so healing … and I am starting to have more energy, slowly but surely. Thank you, Dave!”
Denise Taylor, Portland, Oregon, Retirement, Legacy, and Conscious Aging Coach

Highly valuable; I learned what I’m taking on that’s not mine…

“I found the group sessions highly valuable because I learned how sensitive I am and what I’m taking on that’s not mine. This was made evident in the group setting and shares, which I gained a great deal from. Dave is a skilled facilitator and intuitive. I appreciated being called out on my "non-availability" to men so I could work on opening my heart. I had been doing work with another practitioner and that never came up, so I seriously appreciated the "tough" love! ;-)”
– J.O., Portland, OR

Loved getting to know the other group members… felt heard… and received support.

Stefanie Frank
“I'm always wary of group programs - and I had a bit of trepidation about whether I would "fit in" or whether the group would be too melancholy, overly sensitive, or some other unflattering descriptive word. Turns out my concerns were unfounded. Our group was supportive and Dave did a great job steering the conversations and keeping them productive. The best part for me was the connection formed with the group as a whole. I also loved getting to know the other group members and feeling heard when I shared and received support. I'd recommend this group to those who are highly sensitive, have big goals, and need an objective and supportive space to talk through what's holding or threatening to hold them back so they can make sure they are progressing forward in the way they intend to (or better).”
Stefanie Frank, Persuasive Writer | TEDx speaker | Trainer

Dave knows the right words to say at the right time to open your heart…

“Dave is a unique and gracious teacher and guide as well as an amazing channel for Love. I've had dozens of teachers through the decades and never have I come across such a compassionate soul who know the right words to say at the right time – to open your heart.”
– Celia Fox, St. Louis, MO

An enlightening journey towards thriving in a challenging world…

“Dave skillfully and eloquently takes the group on a down to earth, enlightening journey towards thriving in the challenging world as a Highly Sensitive Person and empath. His keen intuition and heart-felt compassion open the door for all of us to enter the beautiful world that awaits.”
– Lisa Smole, BS, MBA, Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist (CMS-CHt), Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (FIBH)

Healed the sadness & anger I've been holding onto for years…

Jessie Fresh
“Dave's weekend workshop helped me see how powerful it is to have community support for healing. By being given the presence, awareness, guidance, and love from Dave & the group, I was able to have raw vulnerability & release shame. I was able to further heal the sadness & anger I've been holding onto for years. I was so impressed with Dave's ability to intuitively know how to guide us to healing, even when we weren't sure of what we needed ourselves.”
– Jessie Fresh, Intimacy Coach, Portland Oregon

Extraordinary healing & transformation… released decades of emotions I was not even aware of…

When I registered for Dave’s 10-week workshop, I had no idea how life changing that decision would be.  Each week we witnessed extraordinary healing & transformation, by releasing energy that was not ours.  I released decades of emotions I was not even aware I was holding onto.  These past 10 weeks I’ve met wonderful & courageous people.  We are all moving forward with inner strength, knowledge, & understanding of how to truly live as Empaths.

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– Forever Grateful, Cathleen Carroll, Portland, Oregon
“I recently attended a four session workshop with Dave Markowitz and I must say, it was life changing. Empaths and highly sensitive people are often ‘walking sponges,’ and Dave showed us a way to navigate through life by befriending and releasing blockages to create better health, and improved relationships. I must say that along with his deep knowledge on the topic, his wry sense of humor was an added bonus. I would sign up again for any workshop or lecture he is offering.”
– Deborah Swan, Portland, OR
“I had been suffering from chronic migraines for over 15 years. I knew that I was an empath, and decided to give Dave’s class a try. I was not disappointed. After processing deep seated emotional pain, I have not had another migraine. Dave is easy to understand, and his style is not ego driven. I am so glad I took a leap of faith and went to his class!”
– Anne P., Medical office support, Portland OR
“I am currently taking my third course with Dave. I find our group work so incredibly valuable for many reasons. First, it has helped me to better understand myself as an empath and has validated a lot of my life experiences. Second, it has given me tools, such as the keyhole exercise, to use in situations where I might be taking on other people's stuff. Lastly, and probably most importantly, the classes and work have given me the opportunity to experience my own vulnerability in the
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– Carol Howe, School Psychologist, Portland, OR
“This was a wonderful class. Dave does an excellent job of establishing a group environment that nurtures trust, respect, and growth. We were each given the opportunity to explore our thoughts and feelings that typically lie below the surface. In this ‘safe container’ environment, those who were willing to dive a bit deeper into the vulnerable places within were given gentle guidance and support. The transformative results were, at times, utterly stunning. Energy movement is not
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– BH, Commercial Real Estate Finance, Portland, OR
“Working with Dave made a tangible difference in my quality of life and my ability to handle everything coming my way. Being a highly sensitive person has many benefits, but I couldn't see them under what felt like the burden of of the overwhelm that came with it. Now that I have tools and techniques, I feel better, less fatigued, more engaged, and I'm remembering the Joy of it all.”
– Shelly Walker, former Director of New Thought Center for Spiritual Living (NTCSL), Lake Oswego
“Dave is a gentle, insightful, wise facilitator of the process which allows us to keep the energies that are ours to love and heal, and to return to others that which is theirs. I had several profound breakthroughs during the four-week class, and continue to do the work daily. I left his workshop feeling uplifted, and with simple tools to continue my healing and enlightenment. I referred many of my clients to him, and instituted his process at home with my partner. This experience has
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– J. Alison Hilber, LSP (Licensed Spiritual Practitioner)
“My experience during the weekend workshop with Dave is one that I will remember as transformative. He gave us the understanding and tools to use to live as more connected, thoughtful, and empowered individuals. Whether you identify as an Empath or highly sensitive person, this workshop will engage you on every level, challenging you to find your personal power and create a beautiful state within yourself to go out and share who you are with the world. I greatly appreciate the time Dave
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– LF, Designer, Seattle, WA
“I had been suffering from chronic migraines for over 15 years. I knew that I was an empath, and decided to give Dave’s class a try. I was not disappointed. After processing deep seated emotional pain, I have not had another migraine. Dave is easy to understand, and his style is not ego driven. I am so glad I took a leap of faith and went to his class!”
– Anne P., Medical office support, Portland OR
“This was a wonderful class. Dave does an excellent job of establishing a group environment that nurtures trust, respect, and growth. We were each given the opportunity to explore our thoughts and feelings that typically lie below the surface. In this ‘safe container’ environment, those who were willing to dive a bit deeper into the vulnerable places within were given gentle guidance and support. The transformative results were, at times, utterly stunning. Energy movement is not
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– BH, Commercial Real Estate Finance, Portland, OR
“Working with Dave made a tangible difference in my quality of life and my ability to handle everything coming my way. Being a highly sensitive person has many benefits, but I couldn't see them under what felt like the burden of of the overwhelm that came with it. Now that I have tools and techniques, I feel better, less fatigued, more engaged, and I'm remembering the Joy of it all.”
– Shelly Walker, former Director of New Thought Center for Spiritual Living (NTCSL), Lake Oswego

The Fast Track Healing Program (3-Month Program)

“Fast Track with Dave Markowitz took my healing to the next level. From about two weeks into the program I began noticing subtle shifts in my life and work—more money coming in, feeling less fear, ability to stand in my power, etc. By the end of the program, I had an offer from my dream client, my healing circle was wildly successful and powerful, I completed my novel, I had more
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HKS, 33
Dorothy Hanes
“Fast Track Healing is rather miraculous. There is no guessing when the healing is ‘happening’ as the energy is strong and powerful. Although it may change some from session to session, it is amazing in its intensity. I had sessions where my body was clearly being healed and things were shifting. I was approached about an additional job from a surprising source after the
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– Dorothy Hanes, energy healer and hospice social worker, OR
Lynda Henn
“Fast Track has far exceeded my expectations; I feel more comfortable in my body and my sense of appreciation for life has returned after a long absence. My usual fears have receded and my hope and simple enjoyment of just 'being' have returned. I keep smiling for no reason. I strongly recommend Dave's work. His generosity of spirit and keeping this wonderful healing affordable is second
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– Lynda Henn, energy worker, Baltimore, MD
Kim Higgins
“Dave's Fast Track Healing Program is beautifully orchestrated, wonderful and of quite high vibration. It has supported me in my heart opening and growth and I can truly say that I have a new view on humanity and all life. I am more in awe, more in love, and frequently amazed when I look at humans, and all creatures and the way they love each other. I am being enchanted and it is
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Kim Higgins, Energy Medicine Practitioner
“Among other things I really felt great Love towards my brother during the Fast Track sessions with Dave, re-experiencing many memories from my childhood. I feel that lately my brother (unknowingly) responded to this Energy of Love. Our communication became much warmer and more open. We are more tuned to each other. Thank you so much for this Experience and much
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– Anonymous, OR
“I have times where I feel desperate, frustrated and lonely but since I started the FTHP I suddenly have bursts of happiness and hope. A calmness that I can not explain where it comes from. A sense of security within that makes me feel stronger even though I still fear for the unknown. My husband is asking me if I can share this experience with him, he also wants a piece of my smile. I
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– Paula Henao, London-UK
“During the very first session, I had an insight that hadn't occurred to me during years of therapy. Just for that it's been well worth the money. My father died when I was 7 years old after a long illness (tuberculosis). This was in the 1950s. And I was discouraged from talking about it by my family due to that cause of death. This caused me to carry a great burden for many years that
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– Anonymous, legal secretary, NYC
“I loved each session and it was such a good meditation experience. I felt tingling all the time and often got chills; I know I was taking in energy and at times I had a good cry. I and others have noticed a change in me and a shift in energy. My biggest lessons in this experience were to silence the critic in me and to love myself more, which are huge. I will also share with you that
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– Kathleen, Salem, OR
“The fast track program has certainly been that. During mediations I have experience intense energy moving through my body.  And on various occasions I have ‘seen’ light patterns and visions. But in my daily life, the healing and moving energy has continued. Things have shifted in many aspects of my life. It's been an amazing experience.”
– Anonymous, studio director, Lyndhurst, OH
“...being enfolded in golden light / love that was SO intense and blissful! (and) the return of my...visualization ability that's been mostly missing the last few years.”
– Sarah, MA

Relationship Satsang - Awakening the Intimate Heart (2-Month Program)

“Being a part of the Living Guidance group has been transformational for me. I've been amazed at how safe and supported I feel by this group. From the very first meeting, you could sense a vitally strong, loving spiritual energy and power that lifted all of us. The level of trust and support has allowed me to reach places of vulnerability and awakening that are spurring a spiritual
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– S.B., Business Systems Analyst, Portland, OR.
“The 3-month program has been an incredibly powerful force in my life and my path. I have learned from the experiences and the journeys of others in the group what is also true of my own journey. I have felt the strength of the combined energy transform and open the process for each person in the group. Over the time the group has met, I have felt each of us open and strengthen in a
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– Dorothy Hanes, Hospice Social Worker, Portland, OR.
“I have begun to open up on a whole new level, and really started to listen to my what my internal guidance is telling me. Our internal guidance is very strong and is always communicating with us. The challenge for me was to get "out of my mind" and into my heart. I feel that I have been given more tools in order for me to listen more actively to what my body is telling me, and
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– JR, High School Guidance Counselor, Portland, OR.

How to Communicate with Source

“I witnessed some amazing synchronicities and healing energy moving about the room. When the floor opened to participants to “go deep,” the fact that the first person to stand up and talk about her holocaust-surviving mother supported another woman who was (now) able to explain this M.O. from her experience could not have been coincidental. They learned from each other and we
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– K.R., Brooklyn
“Hi Dave, this is Joanna from San Diego. I want to give you the conclusion of the 'sore arm' that we worked with. I continued to have some residual pain for the next couple of days. It was about 50% better. I gave some more attention to wondering why it only hurt when I was using the hand to exert some force, like a door knob, sink faucet, picking things up. I contemplated the aspect of
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– Joanna Ransier, RN, Wellness Coach/Consultant/Advocate, California
“Dave, I wanted to take a minute and personally thank G. and thank you for bringing me back to life. I was completely run out of energy by the time you picked me out from the crowd. It was definitely G's will to use your knowledge and power in order to help me. Words cannot express how grateful I am for an immediate change your magic touch did and unlimited amount of energy you gave me. I'm
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– Forever grateful, Libby Baron
“Dave presents a unique perspective on healing that is energizing and empowering–positively life transforming. He creates a safe and supportive environment with lots of experiential exercises, group discussion, and playful humor. We ended with a group-healing ceremony that was very powerful. He offered each of us a chance to bask in warm and loving energy from the group.”
– Anonymous, Intensive attendee from June 2006

Read more workshop testimonials here.

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