Divine Guidance Livestream

Divine Guidance

Navigating the chaos is difficult enough, but especially challenging for empaths, sensitives, and intuitives. I believe we’re all born empathic and that our childhood experiences either augment or shut down those abilities.

Therefore, at some level, EVERYONE is connected to everything, and many of us are a bit anxious, scared, depressed, angry… you name it!

While it’s easy to ask for advice or see what others are doing, those answers or observations may not be the best thing for you as an individual.

Wouldn’t it be nice to:

  • Get clear directions on the best use of your time, energy, and resources?
  • Upgrade your energy to better tune into your own intuitive guidance?
  • Join other kind, sensitive souls on a group call so we can all experience this upgrade together?

Join us for the Divine Guidance Livestream, where you’ll connect to Spirit, your own self, and to others in a safe, supportive environment. Experience guided meditations, energy work, and intuitive exercises designed to enhance your natural abilities and provide personalized insights.

To listen to the archive for this event (if available), click here.

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